Sovereign Grace Church

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A Worthy Read

The Book of James teaches believers how to live by faith in a fallen world. Responding to trials, obedience to Scripture, humility in relationships, and taming the tongue are just a few of the contexts James exhorts us to walk by faith, in holiness, for the glory of God.

Speaking of the tongue, no place in the Bible do we find more comprehensive teaching on the importance of our words than the Book of James. The words we speak can seem so ordinary and harmless. They are not. James knows this. James knows our words matter. They can calm an anxious heart or create a raging war. Our words matter because the tongue is tied to the heart.

For this reason, we recommend Paul Tripp’s War of Words as a worthy addition to your summer reading list! Take a moment to consider what others have to say about War of Words (pay close attention to the last one!).

 An important and biblical book about our words and our God. Few of us really think about the power, the blessing, the gift, the effect, and the danger of our words. This book will make you think before you speak—Steve Brown

 Paul Tripp does not offer superficial solutions to our failures of communication. He recognizes that the spiritual quality of our words emanates from our hearts—Tremper Longman III

 Until our hearts are completely purified by God in heaven, we must set strong guards at the gates of our mouths and fight daily battles to restrain the overflow of our sinful desires. I have never before read such helpful insights and practical tools for this battle—Ken Sande 

 Most of us are quickly sobered if we give any thought to Jesus teaching about giving an account for every word we speak (Matt 12:36-37). What is one to do? I'd encourage you to give yourself to an in-depth study in God's Word about His agenda for our words as His children. You won't find a better resource than War of Words—Timothy Lambros

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