Sovereign Grace Church

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How can we worship with joy on Sundays, but keep good news to ourselves the rest of the week? How can we love the gospel as much as we do, but not share it with others? Why is evangelism so difficult for us, but so easy for Jesus? Why is it such a struggle for us, but so natural for Christ? Why is reaching the lost at the center of Savior’s life but so often on the side for us? Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

TEXT: Luke 15:1-7
TITLE: What The Savior Sees
PREACHER: Guest Pastor Jim Donohue

1. The Savior Sees the Danger
2. The Savior Sees the Value
3. The Savior Sees the Joy

”[Saving Baby Jessica] was one of the greatest rescues of all time. It’s a great example perseverance, sacrifice and compassion. And that is what this parable is about.  We see the extraordinary heart of God to rescue lost men and women, who weren’t like Baby Jessica who was innocent and helpless, but sinners rebelling against God. And yet God came after us and rescued us.”

“Sinners were those who didn’t even try to follow the law. The tax collectors were possibly the most despised and rejected in Israel. These people were the farthest from God and yet they are being drawn to the One who is closest to God.”

“Aren’t you glad that sinners can draw near to the Savior? Sinners drew near to Him as love poured out of Him. But something very different was pouring out of the Scribes and Pharisees. They were grumbling and judging, despised and rejected these sinners. This was preposterous to them. Jesus was not only showing compassion to these outcasts, He was receiving them, befriending them and welcoming them. As if they could be part of God’s family! As if they could be included in God’s kingdom. This was not the God that [the pharasies] served. So Jesus tells them this parable to show them that this indeed was the heart of God.”

“The shepherd (who represents Christ) clearly sees the danger. Which is why (in vs. 4) he goes after the lost sheep without a second thought. A lost sheep was a dead sheep.”

“Apart from Christ men and women are pitifully helpless and utterly lost. But we often don’t see the danger when it comes to the lost. With someone like baby Jessica the danger is crystal clear. It’s real and it’s right in front of us.  We can see it, hear it and touch it. But the danger that awaits the lost is far worse than what Jessica faced or anything that we can imagine.”

“This is not easy to talk about. It’s uncomfortable. I wish we didn’t have to talk about people going to hell. But if we love Jesus and we love lost people the way He did. We won’t be afraid to look Hell in the eyes.”

“We wave to our neighbors, interact politely to the waitress, chat kindly with unsaved relatives, and rarely think about the eternal danger that awaits them. They don’t seem like lost sheep or a helpless child stuck in a pipe. But they are. They’re actually far worse.”

“This is the heart of God - to go. To rescue men and women. The Father saw the danger. He saw that we were lost and He took action. He willingly crushed His only Son on our behalf. He exhausted His full wrath on the Savior in our place. This is the heart of God and the heart that He calls us to have.”

“God is going to help us. He loves to help us and to make us more like Christ. God is helping us to see what he sees. All for our good and for His glory.”

“A shepherd would give his entire life to care for the sheep. People, even unbelieving people, have great value to Jesus. That’s why He saved us! The Savior has immense compassion and love for the lost in their desperate plight…. We were enemies of God. Rebellious, defiant, disobedient, ungrateful, insubordinate and arrogant. And despite these things God chose to value us (make us own children). This says much more about God than about us. He doesn’t value us because we deserve it. He values us because of who He is.”

“I can see unbelievers as interruptions, messy, uncomfortable and inconvenient. I can, at times, be self righteous and self focused. When I do this, I fail to value and love people the way Christ does. When we see value in something it moves us to sacrifice and to persevere.”

“Do you realize that God has dropped us right where He wants us? Like Mark and Amy God has put us into the exact homes we are in so that can reach our neighbors. God wants to connect us with people who need the gospel and He wants to reward even small steps with great fruit. We simply need to value the people around us enough to reach out and share the hope of Christ.”

“There is nothing in this world that will bring you more joy than seeing someone rescued from the wrath of God. Yes it can be hard work. Yes it can be scary. Yes it takes time. Yes it takes sacrifice. But there is a joy that awaits. An inexpressible joy.”  

“[Jesus] did what no one has ever done and what no one could ever do. He endured the beating and mocking. Drank every drop of the cup. He was willingly forsaken by the Father. He paid the greatest price imaginable to rescue us. And it was all for joy set before him that He endured the cross, scorning its shame. He sacrificed for joy and He is calling us to do the same. He wants us (you) to share in the joy of proclaiming. The greatest news that has ever been told: the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Charles Spurgeon - “We often say of the angels that they rejoice over one sinner that repents. I doubt not that they do, but the Bible does not say so. The Bible says, ‘There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.’ What means the presence of the angels? Why, that the angels see the joy of Christ when sinners repent. Hear them say to one another, ‘Behold, the Father’s face! How he rejoices! Gaze on the countenance of the Son! What a heaven of delight shines in those eyes of his! Jesus wept for these sinners, but now he rejoices over them’”

Charles Spurgeon - “If you are eager for real joy, such as you may think over and sleep upon, I am persuaded that no joy of growing wealthy, no joy of increasing knowledge, no joy of influence over your fellow-creatures, no joy of any other sort, can ever be compared with the rapture of saving a soul from death, and helping to restore our lost brethren to our great Father’s house.”

Luke 16:22-24
Revelation 20:15