Sovereign Grace Church

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Today, we look at our third purpose as a church—Outward ministry to the lost. In a word, evangelism. In two weeks, Tim will preach on personal evangelism from Acts 1:8. But today, our focus is church planting. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Going Not Knowing
Ephesians 3:7-11
TITLE: There is Nothing Like The Church
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: Nothing is like the Church!

1. The Gospel Creates the Church
2. The Church Reveals the Glory and Wisdom of God in the Gospel

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”Today, our focus is church planting. For this, I could not think of a better text than Ephesians 3:7-11. It’s not the Great Commission. It’s not a blueprint for successful church plants. There is no call to go to the nations. But it is the starting point and foundational conviction we must have if we are to be a church that passionately pursues our gospel mission:— We exist tobuild a God-glorifying church through the proclamation and demonstration of the transforming power of the gospel. Every aspect of that mission— Sunday attendance, CG participation, personal evangelism, or personal sacrifice to see an East side plant—begins with embracing and believing Paul’s words about Christ’s church in Eph 3.”

“Nothing compares to Christ’s Church. It’s not perfect. We don’t worship it. But there is nothing like it on this planet.”

“In Ephesians 1-2, Paul brilliantly unpacks God’s plan of salvation. Before the foundations of the world, God devised a plan to choose and save and make sinners His own. Through the long-awaited sacrifice of Jesus, sinners who could not help themselves and did not deserve help from God are now mercifully saved by grace through faith. This is the gospel Paul refers to in 7. It is the mystery of Christ (4) that has the privilege of making known to the Gentiles. This mystery of Christ is revealed in 6.”

“Paul’s idea of mystery is not something unsolvable but rather something once hidden but now made known. The gospel was foretold in the OT, but now, in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, it has been fully revealed. Belonging to God is no longer about nations, bloodlines, or ethnicity. It’s about undeserving sinners of all shapes, sizes, and colors saved and made part of God’s new humanity that exists as His dwelling place in a fallen world.”

“That should be enough for all of us to stop, fall down on our knees, and worship. Once the enemy of God but now beloved heirs in Christ. We must remember this. We must live with a daily awareness of who we once were apart from Christ and who we now are in Christ.”

“Paul never forgets he does not deserve to belong to God and be part of His church. He lives with an amazed heart and a sense of profound privilege that Christ would save him and make him part of his church.”

“The claim of verse 10 is stunning: God makes His manifold, multi-faceted wisdom known to the cosmos through the church. Like a diamond’s brilliance is revealed in its multi-faceted cuts, the manifold wisdom of God is revealed in the church.”

“God could have used any means he desired to make his glory and wisdom known—He’s God! He has endless resources. But He chose the church, you and I, together, to make his wisdom known, not only to mankind, (10) the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. That is stunning! God intends for the angels that He created to endlessly worship Him and keep their eyes on the earthly church so that they can witness the greatness and glory of His wisdom. As they do, they can better glorify and praise God had they not.”

“The angels of Psalm 148:2 that praise God; the angels in Revelation 7:11 that fall on their knees before the throne and worship God; the angels that cry out Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts in Isaiah 6:3; they are better able to glorify and worship God as they witness all He is doing in His church.”

“What we are doing isn’t very impressive to the world. It’s primitive foolishness. But let the nations rage and boast. God has devised an eternal plan (11) where ordinary people like you and me, living ordinary lives shaped and informed by the gospel, reveal God's extraordinary glory and wisdom to the cosmos! Unfathomable! Unimaginable! Stunning! There is nothing like the church. All earthly things and institutions fade into insignificance when compared to the church. The church alone, which includes our church, represents the grandest and greatest of all His works.”

“This is why we are passionate about the church. This is why we prioritize the church. The church is Christ’s priority. He designed the church in eternity past. He left his place in the Trinity for the church. He suffered in this world for the church. He died for the church. His love for the church is so profound he views her as his bride. He is interceding for the church right now. Jesus is returning for one reason—the church. Jesus has one thing on his mind and heart—the glory of his Father through the church! Aren’t you glad and grateful you are part of His church?”

Ephesians 2:11-22
1 Peter 1:10-12

Martyn-Lloyd Jones - “There is nothing beyond the Church. She is the highest and the most supreme manifestation of the wisdom of God; and to look forward to something beyond the Church is to deny not only this verse but many other verses in the Scripture. The Church is the final expression of the wisdom of God, the thing above all others that enables even the angels to comprehend the wisdom of God.”

Martin Lloyd-Jones - “The Apostle is asserting that what is happening in the Church is so stupendous, so glorious, that even the brightest angelic beings who have spent their entire existence in the presence of God, even they are staggered and amazed at what they see in and through the Church.”

John Piper - “No angel will ever sing “how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.” This is our song and our joy, and they can never sing it or know it. But God wants them to see it. And the angels love to stoop down and get as close as they can to the wonders of redemption and how God prepared and saved and gathered his church.”

Charles Spurgeon - “Give yourself to the church. You that are members of the church have not found it perfect and I hope that you feel almost glad that you have not. If I had never joined a church until I had found one that was perfect, I would never have joined one at all. And the moment I did join one, I should have spoiled it. For it would not have been a perfect church after I became a member of it. Still, imperfect as it is, it is the dearest place on earth.”

Have you lost your joy, passion, and gratitude for not just being saved but also being saved and made part of the Church? One of the surest ways to be like Paul is to get involved! Throw yourself into your church (Romans 12:1). Get ready because as you throw yourself into God’s work through His church, God will grow your gratitude and sense of privilege to be a part of more and more and more.

- This is why we want to plant a church on the east side of Tucson. Next Sunday evening, we will envision you for our mission for new year. Please be there—husband, wife, kids. Allow your presence at that meeting to be a declaration—This is my church. At that meeting, we will lay out three convictions that shape our vision on the Eastside: A biblical model, faith-filled risk, and personal sacrifice. Each one could be an application of today’s sermon because each one is rooted in the one big truth: There is nothing like the church

How Vast The Love
How Firm A Foundation
God Of Every Grace
Christ Is Mine Forevermore
The Glory Of The Cross

Ephesians 3:7-11