Sovereign Grace Church

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We know about the birth of Jesus at Christmas. We know about his crucifixion on Good Friday. We know about Christ’s resurrection on Easter. But how much thought do we give to Christ’s ascension? It’s a worthwhile question because Jesus’ ministry didn’t stop at the resurrection. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

Acts 1:9-11
TITLE: The Ascention
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: Where Jesus is now matters to where you are today.

1. Jesus Ascended Into Heaven
2. Jesus Ascended To God’s Right Hand
3. Jesus’ Ascension Matters Right Now

”Jesus may no longer be with us in person, but he continues to work through his church, by His Spirit, for his Father’s glory. As a result, Christ’s ascension, which marks the end of his earthly ministry and the beginning of his heavenly ministry, has significant doctrinal importance for our faith and lives.”

“There’s much we don’t know about heaven. One thing Scripture does teach us is that heaven is an actual place. It is beyond our scope today, but I encourage you to read chapter 57 in Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology for a good study of heaven (and Randy Alcorn).”

“As it relates to the ascension, we can be sure of this—Jesus is in heaven. It’s important to remember that Jesus physically rose from the dead. He spent his final 40 days on earth, not as a spirit, but as a man. He ascended into heaven, not as a spirit, but as a man. He will return, not as a spirit, but as a man. That means he is a man right now in a physical place, and that place is heaven.”

“Like his miraculous birth, atoning death, and victorious resurrection, His ascension was according to the Scriptures.”

“The exaltation of Jesus is the result of and reward for his work of salvation. Jesus now sits at the right hand of God in full glory and honor, all authority and power in a way he did not before his life, death, resurrection, and ascension. The angels now praise Jesus in the heavens as the infinitely worthy Lamb that was slain. He is the King of Glory! The Author and Perfecter of our faith! Our Propitiation! The Head over all things! The Chief Cornerstone! The Bridegroom!  The Victorious One!”

“…from the right hand of God, your ascended Savior is busy praying for you!” 

“Jesus knows the mind of God perfectly. He knows what you need perfectly. More than mere supplication, Christ’s prayers are a divine intervention.”

John 14:2-3
Acts 7:55-56
Revelation 4:1
Psalm 110:1
Ephesians 1:19-23
Philippians 2:9-10
Revelation 5:11-12
Hebrews 1:3
Hebrews 7:25
Romans 8:34

R.C Sproul- “We know that when Jesus died on the cross, at the end of that experience, He cried out, “It is finished.” But that work on the cross did not end Christ’s redemptive work. He had other work to perform after the cross. He was raised for our justification. And when we talk about the work of Christ, we talk not only about His death, but we also talk about His resurrection. And when we speak of the work of Christ, it doesn’t end with the resurrection. We talk about His ascension into heaven where He is seated at the right hand of God, and there He works as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords”

R.C. Sproul - “One of the chief accents of the New Testament in terms of His present work for His people is His work of intercession. Every day in the presence of the Father, Christ intercedes for His people.”

Jesus’ ascension matters because it Gives Us a Glimpse Of Our Future  - Over and over in Scripture, Jesus promises we will return for us, and we will live in his presence eternally—it’s called heaven.

Jesus’ ascension matters because it Gives Us Confidence For The Present - On Easter, the question was—What will you do with the empty tomb? Today, the question is—Where is your confidence in life? 

  • When you don’t know how to pray—Where’s your confidence?

  • When you don’t understand what’s happening—Where’s your confidence? 

  • When your faith is weak, and doubt is strong—Where’s your confidence?

  • When sin is crouching at your door—Where’s your confidence?

  • When Satan is tempting you to despair—Where’s your confidence?