Sovereign Grace Church

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Spiritual Revival is an inward work before it’s an outward reality. And the inward work needed is highlighted in the last stand of the first Christian martyr in Acts. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: Hopeful: The Book of Acts
TEXT: Acts 7:54-60
TITLE: The Lord is Doing Something
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet

1.  Filled With The Spirit
2. Fixed On Christ
3. Centered On God


”Chances are, none of us in this room will have the door of heaven opened like Stephen did. Yet, by faith his vision is our vision. We too live and breathe and witness and serve, toil and suffer in the glorious realities of eternity with Jesus.“ 

”Christian perseverance is anchored in an eternal perspective. Where it’s not, vulnerability to losing heart is sure.”

”The opposition shouldn’t surprise us. Doing the right thing doesn’t guarantee a good outcome. But don’t lose heart. The Lord is doing something, including filling your eyes up more and more with Jesus who has already done the greatest thing at Calvary!”

Daniel 7
Luke 9
Matthew 25

Derek Thomas - “There could hardly be a greater contrast in the way Luke described what happened following Stephen’s sermon. The Sanhedrin became irritational, hot with rage, murderous in their thoughts, utterly consumed with anger. Stephen was contemplative, calm, and seraphic”

Kevin DeYoung - “It is for this reason: He has stood to receive Stephen’s testimony and to be his advocate. He has stood that he might come forward to be the judge of those who will trample upon God’s prophet. Jesus is rising from his throne to come to Stephen’s defense and to judge his persecutors”

Is my first impulse to invite the Spirit to work in and through me?

Three habits God uses to cultivate Eternal Perspective:
Visit your testimony often—Preach Christ to yourself more and listen to yourself less
- Read about heaven regularly—Heaven on the heart puts earthly troubles on the run 
- Prioritize your church—The gathering is a heavenly oasis here on earth 

When it comes to those who oppose you for your faith, which are you more aware of: what they are doing to you or what God will one day do to them?