Sovereign Grace Church

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How are you currently magnifying God with your life? How many of us would say—I live life with a thankful heart. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

TEXT: Psalm 69:30-32
TITLE: Magnifying God With Gratitude
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet

I. A Call to Magnify God
II. A Heart That Magnifies God

”My hope for today is that the Spirit would speak to us and work in us in such a way that we could all say, and others would say about us—My life increasingly magnifies my Savior because my life is increasingly characterized by thankfulness to God in everything for everything.”

David wants to be a telescope that brings God right into the midst of his affliction and pain. David does not magnify his affliction. He does not magnify his pain…that would be to magnify himself. His heart is to magnify His Redeemer.”

“If you have been saved by grace; if you are in union with Jesus by faith; if the Spirit of God lives in you; if by divine mercy you belong to the eternal family of God, then your heart should say with David and Paul—Magnify the Lord oh, my soul!”

Of course, we are forgetful. We forget WHY we exist, and more importantly, we forget WHO God is. Our feelings, experiences, ambitions, sinful cravings, and deceptions of our own hearts move us to magnify self. We can marvel in the goodness and sufficiency of God one day and be oblivious to it the very next.”

“Paul prays they would have the eyes of their hearts enlightened. These are believers who have already had the eyes of their hearts enlightened. But Paul doesn’t want them to forget. He wants them to be more and more anchored in the hope they have in Christ, the riches of his inheritance, and the immeasurable power of the Spirit at work in them.”

“The desire to magnify self is at the heart of an ungrateful heart. In our pursuit of greatness, we make God small. When we apply this to a God who is infinitely great, we see our utter foolishness and sinfulness.”

“Put on a heart of thankfulness by looking upward as David did in verse 29—to the God of your salvation. This is where true thankfulness begins.”

Philippians 1:20
Corinthians 10:31
Ephesians 1:15-20

John Calvin - “There cannot be a more powerful incitement to thanksgiving than the certain conviction that this religious service is highly pleasing to God.”

If you want to grow in gratitude or help someone who lacks gratitude, don’t begin with nice platitudes or common courtesies—begin with a BIG God who redeems and rejoices in His people!