Sovereign Grace Church

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Our gathering is meant to proclaim and demonstrate the power and testimony of Jesus Christ as the one mediator between God and man, that all people would come to a saving knowledge of the gospel truth in the power of the Holy Spirit and to the praise of God’s glory. Below is an outline summary of the sermon for your further study and deeper reflection.

SERIES: The Final Word
1 Timothy 2:8-15
TITLE:   Gathering God’s Way
PREACHER: Derek Overstreet
BIG IDEA: When we gather as God’s people, we gather God’s way.

1. Humility Matters When The Church Gathers
2. Order Matters When The Church Gathers

All quotes are taken from the pastor’s notes.
”Scripture doesn’t tell us how to do everything when we gather, but it is clear on some things, including our God-ordained complementarian roles. Where Scripture is clear, we must be committed.”

“One would think this goes without saying, but there’s no fighting at church. Paul says anger and quarreling have no place in the household of God, especially when we gather to worship God.”

“Men like to duke it out, be it with fists or words. And don’t tell me to back down—I can fight a war of words for as long as I have to. A bit of hyperbole, but it’s true; men get angry. At times, we get loud. Other times, we quietly huddle in the lobby to grumble about music that’s too loud, a member that’s too different, or a pastor that’s too direct. Sometimes, our anger is silent. The anger and quarreling are internal. Paul says—STOP. Instead of fighting, pray with each other.”

“As men, we are called to lead the church in making it a gathering of peace, love, and unity.”

“That takes humility. Where there is humility, there will be peace. Humility means seeing others as more important than ourselves (Phillipians 2:3). Humility means looking to others’ interest (Philippians 2:4). Humility means being able to overlook an offense (Proverbs 19:11). Humility means having an eagerness to guard the unity of the Spirit in the body of Christ produced by the gospel (Ephesians 4:3).”

“Ladies, we live in a society that screams in your ear—You are what you look like! Botox, plastic surgery, fancy jewelry, and designer clothes. If you want to get noticed or feel like a woman, you’ve got to have it. If that external pressure wasn’t enough, you have the internal tendency to compare yourself with other women. Look at her—I wish I could pull that off. The Bible says something vastly different—It’s not about the outside; it’s about the inside. It’s about your heart. It’s about your motive. That’s the point of verses 9-10.” 

“If you dress to get noticed, no matter how long your skirt is or how loose your pants are, you are missing it —that’s pride. Fashionable clothes, nice jewelry, and that latest hairstyle aren’t sinful, but a self-centered, proud heart is.”

“Ladies, God desires you to come to church not to dazzle with your looks but to demonstrate the glory of Jesus with your heart by humbly giving yourself—look at 10—good works—serving and pointing others to Christ. This is a God-glorifying profession of godliness.” 

“First, what Paul is not saying. He is not saying women cannot pray or prophecy in the church (1 Corinthians 11:5). Nor is he saying women cannot teach other women (Titus 2). He is not saying women can’t speak up in CG or offer counsel to a man (Acts 18:26). Other NT passages make it clear that Paul is not prohibiting women from speaking PERIOD in church.” 

“Paul IS saying two things: 1) Women are not to teach the gathered church, and 2) Women are not to exercise authority over the gathered church. IMPORTANT: Teaching and exercising authority are two different and distinct activities. The text bears this out.”

“Biblical roles for men and women in the church are rooted not in the culture, tradition, or fairness but in the created order of Genesis 1-2.” 

“Some have interpreted this as women being spiritually weaker, less intelligent, or more gullible—Not true! This would imply that women are inferior to men, and Scripture never says that.” 

“Paul uses this fundamental and unchangeable distinction to encourage women—ladies, I hope you are encouraged—that as you persevere in embracing and walking in your unique God-ordained roles, stated in 9-12, contrasted to the Garden in 14, and exemplified in 15 by child-bearing, it is one evidence, along with faith, love, holiness, and self-control, of your new life in Christ. So Paul ends this teaching on roles in the gathered church by showing the destruction of not walking in their God-ordained roles, i.e., Eve’s deception, and the good of walking in those roles, i.e., perseverance and endurance in godliness and truth to the end when our salvation will be final and we will be with Jesus.”

Thomas Schreiner - “In approaching Eve, then, the Serpent subverted the pattern of male leadership and interacted only with the woman. Adam was present throughout and did not intervene. The Genesis temptation, therefore, stands as the prototype of what happens when male leadership is abrogated. Eve took the initiative in responding to the Serpent, and Adam let her do so.”

- Men, are you an angry person? Are you angry with someone in this room? Humble yourself and pray for them, and watch your perspective and attitude toward them change. Go to them and humbly talk it out with another brother or pastor. There will be disagreements. We are sinners. But as men, we are called to lead the church in peacemaking and unity. 

-Ladies, what are you more aware of or concerned about on Sundays—your looks or serving others? Reflecting a particular image or reflecting your Savior? God doesn’t forbid your desire to look good at church. He made you way more beautiful than men! But God does want you to know that looking good is not where you get your identity and value. That comes from not what you can do to yourself but what Jesus has done for you in the gospel.

Today, the risen Jesus is building his church. As he does, he is redeeming our roles through truth and the Spirit. This means:

  1. Men, because of Jesus, you can walk in your God-given roles of leading the church in humble peacemaking and prayer. Be encouraged and repent where you need to. God is merciful and gracious.

  2. Ladies, because of Jesus, you can walk in your God-given role of doing good works with a submitted spirit. Be encouraged and repent where you need to. God is merciful and gracious.