Sovereign Grace Church

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(Re)Introduction to Sovereign Grace Music

This past Sunday we were reminded of the importance of worshipping God in spirit and truth. This is worship, God’s way. 

We know that all of life is worship (Romans 12), but as God’s church, we have the unique privilege to gather together for corporate worship every Sunday. What a joy!  

As we consider Sunday mornings, one implication of worshipping God “in truth” is that the content of the songs we sing matters. As the leader of our Worship Ministry, I have the privilege of seeing our pastors’ commitment to singing theologically rich songs.

Consider the following excerpt from Sunday’s sermon. “It’s not that we can only sing God’s Word (Regulative Principle), but God’s Word must be the basis of our singing. Our theology informs, permeates, and fuels our Sunday morning worship. This is why the songs we sing are so important.”

The songs we sing matter. We don’t want to sing songs that lack clarity and we certainly don’t want to sing heresy. Rather, we want to sing Christ-centered, God-exalting, and Gospel-focused songs. In short, we want our songs to be biblically rich. After all, our worship is a response to who God is and what He has done… and He has chosen to reveal Himself to us in His word and through His Son.  

This is one of the reasons why I am so grateful for Sovereign Grace Music. If you’ve never heard of them, let me introduce you. If you have, let me re-introduce you. Led by Bob Kauflin, Sovereign Grace Music has spent the last 4 decades writing biblically rich, congregational songs. Many of the songs that we sing on Sunday mornings have been written and produced by SGM and are sung all across the world. 

According to their website, here is the mission of Sovereign Grace Music.

“Sovereign Grace Music exists to produce Christ-exalting songs and training for the Church from our local churches. We call it Sound+Doctrine.”

The church today needs Christ-exalting congregational songs so that we can worship God together in spirit and truth. As believers, we should immerse ourselves in these songs and know them well. 

Let me encourage you to explore and follow Sovereign Grace Music with the resources listed below. You’ll be able to stay up-to-date with new songs and projects. But most importantly, you’ll hear biblically rich, Christ-exalting songs that will help you grow in your love for your Savior.   

So, let me encourage you to add these songs to your weekly playlists. Listen to them on your way to work, at home with your children, or on Sunday mornings to prepare for our time of corporate singing. 

As we do, I pray it will build our excitement for our time of corporate worship together on Sunday mornings! 

Sovereign Grace Music Spotify Channel
Sovereign Grace Music YouTube Page
Sovereign Grace Music Bandcamp
Sovereign Grace Music Website